What is the most common service locksmiths are called to do?
Locksmiths are actually not called as frequently to lockout situations as most would think. Most locksmiths are called to help with door hardware.
Are there keys you can't duplicate?
There are a few types of keys we cannot easily duplicate. These include four-sided keys, tubular keys, and laser-cut keys. If you have one of these keys, this is highly beneficial because the corresponding lock will likely be safe from tampering.
How long does it take your locksmiths to open a car?
In a lockout situation, we can open your car in five to ten minutes.
Will you damage my door during an emergency lockout?
Not at all. If a locksmith has damaged your property during a lockout, this is a sign they were a lousy provider, as no door should be damaged during a lockout situation.
Can you install CCTV or wireless video systems for my business?
Yes. No matter the video security system, our team has the skills and tools to get the job done.
What does it mean to rekey my lock?
Rekeying means changing the pins inside a lock so copies of old keys can no longer open it. This is done without needing to replace the entire locking mechanism.
What is the best kind of high-security system?
Biometric systems are some of the best around–and we can install them! These systems require fingerprints or retinal scans to access a restricted area. But with the best security comes a higher price tag.